English programs


UTTDRAG FRA WORD DOKUMENT: Target behaviors: – Establishing matching skills, matching letters to letters – Establishing listeners behaviors, follow instructions when teacher askes child to ”give me –” all the letters – Establishing vokal behavior to all letters. Student shall tact all letters of the alphabeth. When letters are presented student shall tell teacher which letter he is reading. – Establishing the skill of reading two letter combinations…


UTTDRAG FRA WORD DOKUMENT: • Level 1: Matching letters • Level 2: Give me (letters) • Level 3: Reading single letters (tacting letters) • Level 4: Reading two letter combinations (training for astringency and fluency)…


UTTDRAG FRA WORD DOKUMENT: Data sheet; discrete trail training Student: Program: Explanation: Register + (plus) for correct and – (minus) for wrong response or prompted response…


UTTDRAG FRA WORD DOKUMENT: Method: Training is performed in natural environments • Trainer has to prepare which objects is to be fetched and arrange for those objects to be obtainable • Trainer has to arrange if other children is to be present during training • Move from step to step in the training program according to students performance • If the student is performing not so well, go back to previous steps of training, establish the skills for those levels and then continue on through the more difficult steps…


UTTDRAG FRA WORD DOKUMENT: Target behavior: To teach the child to imitate simple sounds. An imitated response is correct if it occurs within 2-4 seconds of the prompt, and corresponds with the prompt given. This program should be accompanied by programs for the imitation of words, as the child to day also can say several words…


UTTDRAG FRA WORD DOKUMENT: Goal: The child should learn basic behavioral repertoires, as matching and discriminating objects and pictures. In order to learn more complicated forms of responses research has shown that one often has to intensify training on simple but basic skills, before moving on to more complicated behaviors. Matching is such a basic behavior. This behavior is used during play and putting things into place in everyday activities…